TUMS — Prepare to Dare with TUMS
Millennials should be able to enjoy the time they have before the grey hairs kick in. Like the rest of their generation, the Foodie Millennial should be indulging in travel and exploration, enjoying the flavors of the world. An inconvenience like stomach discomfort has no match when paired with TUMS. 

Now, the thought of having a flare-up is not always in the back of their mind – it's under control. Daring to try new foods is simpler with TUMS by their side–enabling them to focus on the unfamiliar cuisine they're about to experience.
Physical Advertisements

Each advertisement in this campaign tries to feel familiar and unknown. There is familiarity found within the ‘Instagram’ -esque design with the unknown cultural cuisine from across the world.

Naming, defining, and listing pronunciations of the food connects Millennials to the unique culture, even if just from their home. These ads push for Millennials to give any food a try, given that TUMS is prepared to help out those stomach discomforts.
Campaign Extension — Social Media

This campaign transitions directly to social media, given it's familiar social media feel. Creating content that user can interact with, and even showcase their own unique food choices helps make the exotic dare to try new foods less worrisome with TUMS ready to dare with you.
Co-Art Director/ Copywriter — Dania Rodriguez

